Click here to learn more about our outdoor gathering plan
What you need to know
When are we meeting again?
October 17, 2021. 10:45-11:30am (doors open at 10:35am)
What will be different?
o Amended, shortened worship service only
o Entry and seating changes
o Modified communion
o Additional hygiene and safety measures
(all detailed below)
As we continue to respect the health risks of the COVID-19 epidemic, we also seek to physically gather again as the body of Christ. In alignment with the guidelines published by state and federal public health experts, we plan to resume in-person Sunday morning services on October 17th, 2021
We recommend that particularly vulnerable members of our community continue to worship from home at this time. Anyone feeling sick or who has had contact with someone with COVID-19 symptoms should self-isolate from any public gathering, including church services. We will continue to offer services in an online format for the foreseeable future.
We will gather again under Phase 1 of FCC Erwin’s Back-to-Church Plan, comprised of the following changes to our normal activities:
- Only the Sunday morning worship service will resume at this time. All other services and activities remain cancelled until further notice, including nursery service, Sunday school, and all Wednesday night activities.
- Sunday morning worship services will begin at 10:45AM and last until approximately 11:30AM. The front sanctuary doors will open at 10:35 AM; until this time we ask that you remain in your vehicle. This service will retain the format and order featured during recent online services—see order of service below. Service guides will be stationed at the front door to provide important information; please use only the front sanctuary doors for entry.
- We recommend that each person wear a face-covering while in the church building. The CDC recommends the use of cloth face-coverings, which we encourage everyone to bring from home, and that face-coverings should not be placed on children under 2 years old. Disposable, single-use surgical facemasks will be offered upon entry.
- Every other row of pews will be closed for seating, and we ask that seating alternate between the left and right sides of the open pews—this will be marked for clarity and a map is provided below.
- We recommend that family units maintain at least 6-feet of distance from other families at all times, and that everyone maintain 15-feet of distance from those on the stage while singing.
- We ask that everyone in attendance take their seats immediately upon arrival and remain seated throughout the service, with the exception of needed bathroom trips and emergencies. Once the service has concluded, we ask that everyone dismiss and leave the building immediately thereafter.
- Communion elements will be prepared and stocked in the pews before the service.
- We ask that any offerings be dropped in the provided offering box in the foyer, which will be marked for your convenience. Offerings may also be mailed to the church as normal.
Order of Worship
- Welcome & Announcements (10:45 AM)
- Prayer
- Worship Song
- Sermon
- Worship Song
- Worship Song
- Scripture Reading
- Communion
- Worship Song
- Closing Prayer & Dismissal (11:30 AM)